Saturday, February 6, 2010

"american grindhouse"...coming awfully soon

I wouldn't say that I'm moving on from grindhouse in any way, shape or form, but I just watched A Decade Under the Influence last week and I think I'm getting tired of the greasy old octogenarians with their chest-beating and their talk about being"honest" and "of principle... not like these schmucks today with their internet and their camcorders". I think I'm finally sick of hearing about how Jerry Gross was somehow cut from a different cloth than, say, Michael Bay.

What's sad is that I'm still gonna seek out this documentary and watch it. But, after that, more grindhouse documentaries. It's distracting me from watching my art films. I've been trying to finish Belladonna of Sadness for about a week now, when shit like this comes up and I gotta post it.